I have been running for a couple of years now but only running 5ks and every so often 4 miles. For this coming year, I have set a goal of running the 5 Miler in July. So I have looked over the race schedule that is Riverside Runner's website and came up with a list of races to run this year.
Feb. 26th- Liberty Mt. 5k (trail race)- still not sure yet
April 6th- Point of Honor 5k
April ? - 4 mile race
June 22- Presybterian Homes and Family Services 5k
August 10th- Lynchburg 5k
September 28th- VA 4 Miler
Oct. 5th- Deep Hollow 5k (trail race) (not sure about the date yet)
I am not sure what my times will be but I am hoping to improve. I have thought about even running some local trail 5ks but I have not fully decided on this yet.
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